Double Drip

Double Drip specially blended vape e-liquid | official website design.

Double Drip Overview

Vapouriz Group approached Creative Brand Design to create an interactive and unique website for their leading vape brand Double Drip. Double Drip is a sub-ohm e-liquid range specially blended for intense flavour and unruly clouds. It was important that the unruly branding was accurately reflected in the website design. As such Creative Brand Design developed a cutting edge interactive site, using animations to represent the rebellious branding in an interactive manner.

We Delivered:
  • Bespoke Design
  • WordPress Deveolpment
  • Interactive Effects
  • Onsite SEO



A key focus of the website design and development was to create interactive visuals which effectively represented the unruly branding for Double Drip. The CBD development team made use of three.js to create fully interoperable smoke animations, using the vivid brand colours to represent the unruly clouds created by the Double Drip sub-ohm e-liquid.

This was combined with full page scrolling effects, parallax mouse/tilt animations and unique vectored splash/drip designs created by the CBD design team to deliver an engaging and interactive website experience.

Easy management

Intuitive product listing system

A feature rich product listing system was developed by CBD as part of the build. The listing system made use of JS animation effects to create an interactive and engaging products listing page. In addition, the filtering system makes use of ajax transitions allowing users to quickly filter the products by categories without requiring a page refresh or excessive loading.

The product listing system is integrated into the WordPress CMS, allowing the website administrators to easily update product information, change styling, colours, flavours, categories and manage the products & their content.

The Results

The new interactive Double Drip website is a much better representation of the brand and is more appeal to Double Drips target demographic.

The creation of the official site also has a benefit on Double Drips SEO performance, providing Vapouriz Group with an improved online presence for the brand and more accurately targeted brand keywords.

Interested in discussing a project similar to Double Drip?

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